
Plans /

Education Plan

Education Plan

The Education Plan offers a life insurance cover that assures funding for the child/ward's education in the case of death of a parent/guardian.

Education Plan

Entry age

18 years to 55 years

Maximum Age at Maturity

60 years

Policy Term

Minimum Term: 5 years
Maximum Term: 20 years

Minimum Annual Contribution

Start with as low as N5,000 monthly

Premium Payment Frequency

Offers a flexible premium payment monthly, quarterly, bi-annually and annually.

Rider Benefits

Critical Illness and Disability


Clients can access the funds during the contract period (at no charge after 36 months).

Early payment for 2 years in a row attracts a bonus (of up to 50% of the initial protected amount). It can serve as a disciplined savings tool towards your child's Education.

Other plans

Mortgage Plan

This is a decreasing term assurance policy intended to ensure repayment of the mortgage loan in event of death of the Life Assured before full repayment of the mortgage loan on his house.

Family Welfare Plan

An annual renewable term assurance that pays out the sum assured in the event of the policyholders' death.

Triple Plan

An anticipated endowment plan that pays out benefits at 1/3, 2/3 period and at the end of the policy term in the ratio of 30% (25%), 30% (25%) and 100% of the sum assured.
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